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Cette section est une section globale qui sera vue sur toutes les pages

What is this page?

This is the your Uplifter landing page! Clicking on the logo in the header of your Uplifter site will always bring you back to this landing page. This page can be customized however you wish. When you are ready to begin, our article Public Website Management will help you set up your site.

Some organizations like to provide details or instructions specific to their registration process. If you are planning on pointing your website domain at your Uplifter site, this would be your home page.


Can this be a registration page?

Absolutely! If you don't want to provide your members with an introduction to your Uplifter site and do not plan to make Uplifter your website, this landing page can be a registration page instead! To do so, please follow these steps:

  1. Select Edit Page Details (top right).
  2. Use the Page Template drop down to select 'Registration Full Page'.
  3. Select Save Page (top right) to keep your changes.

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